Wellness Tracker
Please print this calendar and use when tracking wellness. This is a tool to assist you in taking notes of your symptoms and overall well being. It is important to note the time of day/climate/ and any changes to lifestyle alongside symptoms as this is useful for diagnostic purposes.
Tracking may include:
Numerical rating for pain (0-10 with 0 representing no pain and 10 representing the worst pain)
Bowel movement quality and quantity
Urination quantity and frequency
Appetite and specific food cravings
Gas/bloating/reflux/nausea and any other indigestion
Shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms
Energy levels throughout the day
Menstrual cycles
Headaches and sinus issues
Any other symptoms which stand out to you and/or affect your quality of life
Positive experiences!
As you track, you may begin to notice trends. Bring your tracker to treatment and we will work together to incorporate this into diagnosis and treatment.